Tuesday 10 June 2014

An Introduction to ... ME !

I am slowly tiptoeing into the world of blogging. I decided to start this blog as a mapping chart for my official adult life. I am a 22 year old girl(woman) fresh out of college and it kind of puzzles me that i feel like i only have old age to look forward to. I mean most of life's usual milestones have been crossed considering I am only left with two more; getting married and having babies. Well that can wait for a while because i am not going to let my waning youth slip by and i will make this decade of my life something i will be proud to look back on.
So here i am trying to make a "record" of sorts and hopefully i can be an example(cough..guinea pig) for the rest of you out there.
As my pug would say - Toodles !

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